Detailed Color Map That Goes With the Book. Download Here for Free!

By Wes Penre, September 11, 2021

I decided to post the enlargeable fantasy map that goes with the book. This may come in handy, particularly for Kindle reader, so you don’t need to flip between pages all the time.

Click here to download a high resolution map with details!

Please consider supporting me on my exclusive Patreon page, where you can support my book publishing, or you can make a donation on PayPal.

Amazon Posted my Novel for Purchase this Morning!

By Wes Penre, September 11, 2021

Dear friends!

The first volume in my Fantasy Series, “Ismaril’s Journey,” called “The Book of Secrets,” was posted for purchase on Amazon this morning: .

Thank you so very much for all your support and encouragement over this last year, while I’ve been busy writing and editing! For those who are planning on buying it, will you do me another favor? When you’re done reading it, can you please write a review on Amazon? This is highly important because it’s the reviews that determine the rank on Amazon’s seller list, and it will be easier for the public to find the book the more reviews it has.

I have already started Book 2, and I’m on the second chapter. So far, it’s coming out really well, and the plot thickens. If the first book was a guideline, it will take me about one year from start to finish, including editing and everything else that goes with it. It has been a very spiritually enhancing journey for me to follow the characters’ reaction to their environment in my fantasy world!

The book is also available in Kindle here:

Love you all!

Spiritual Handbook for the Twenty-First Century

by Wes Penre, February 9, 2021

I just got an email from Amazon that my next (and last, for now,) book has been published on in Kindle and Paperback versions. This is the 2013, “Beyond 2012–A Handbook for a New Era,” but I have retitled it “Spiritual Handbook for the Twenty-First Century,” which I think is a more appropriate title. I also made some small changes in the Introduction part of the book.

Here is the web address: .

Amazon says it can take up to 7 days before the LOOK INSIDE features and the cover image for the Kindle version shows up on the amazon page, but it happened the same day with the previous book, so I hope that will be resolved very soon…

So, the next book I will publish is the novel I’m working on, but it’s still very much in progress 

